Thursday’s Thoughts

It’s Thursday… Let’s try a new thing… Because blogger’s block is REAL people. I mean some day’s it’s a struggle. Others the words flow free. Lately I’ve just found so many other things to keep me busy. Truth: We’ve been so sick lately, the only focus in our house is on trying to get well.
So I’ve found a fun little way to make sure (or at least try to make sure) that I’m posting on Thursdays.

Here are some Thursday Thoughts for you all…

Watching our son eat yogurt this morning made me happier than normal. Albeit I may have been cringing inwardly as an OCD reflex, I was smiling outwardly thinking to myself…

“Embrace life’s messy, For it’s in the messiest moments that we learn the biggest lessons”

Trying to find the perfect step stool for Cash-man. Let me tell you it’s not that easy. When you look online there are tons of cute ones. But you can’t see them in person. How the heck do I know if it’s going to be a good height? I mean we’re talking he just needs to be able to see over the counter and reach the faucet. Or get his little caboose up on the throne. Yes, I’m probably putting too much thought and emphasis into this decision. But c’mon it seems like a fairly permanent bathroom investment. I am seriously wishing my Grandpa was still alive. {for more reasons than this} But, he would have made us something awesome and perfect! Sadly the search continues. I’m thinking this one , for the personalization factor. Any thoughts?

I’ve come up with multiple new projects for our home… thanks Etsy! Can’t wait to create them and post some how to’s. Look out… I’ll be painting, working on my crochet & creating some outdoor fun very soon! I should post links but my time here is limited as my toddler is currently placing every toy he owns on the stair side of the baby gate…  what the heck kid?

 i feel like he’s trying to torture me. or build some kind of bridge over it. or possibly knock the gate over with the weight of toys so he can climb upstairs. either way he’s on a mission.

Chocolate Protein Pumpkin muffins are in the oven… Recipe tomorrow {i promise}
the hubby is bored with the Banana breakfast ones so it’s time to mix it up & try something new. I know pumpkin in May isn’t the norm but around here we think normal is weird! {see child stacking toys on stairs as pictured above}

Frozen is the best movie out right now! I don’t even care that we’re late to the party on this one. Cash wasn’t old enough before but now it’s the perfect remedy for 30 minutes of mommy sanity in the late afternoon. Arizona is getting a little bit hot this time of year 😉

I joined a mommy group. Yep. I found one! Here’s to hoping we can get out of the house lots this summer while Daddy is working! We have already been on one outing… the Splash Pad. I think it’s gonna take a few more trips for the munchkin to get into it. But at least he liked the playground.

How many chalkboards is too many for one house? I found some super cool frames that I would love to turn into another chalkboard but I’m not sure if putting one upstairs or in the playroom is necessary? Can chalkboards be unnecessary? hmmm…

Oh the oven just beeped. Guess it’s time to go. I need to get these out, rescue all the toys from the stairs & start packing for my upcoming trip! At some point I should also shower. Is it too early for wine? 
Back tomorrow with that promised recipe! 
Hope you all are having a wonderful day!! 

4 thoughts on “Thursday’s Thoughts

  1. Love reading your blog. Thinking since you love chalkboards so much but don't feel like you need then all over your house why don't you make them and sell them. I'll be your first customer. 🙂


  2. I've discovered being a mommy that it is NEVER too early for wine! Our boys are only a couple weeks apart so it's so funny that they do the exact same things! Just the other day Austin was putting all his toys on the stair side of the baby gate too!!


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